Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Employees - in and out of focus

Here are a few more inside the store shots of our fearless leader, Mary. I cannot accurately date these pics but probably could if I tried.
One of them, the crooked one, is probably just me making a goofy attempt at a photograph. THe second photo I think is from a Sunday. I was trying to win a free CD and three hundred bucks and I concocted this monsterous display for a mix CD. I'll have pics up soon. I didn't win. Bastards. But I did get mentioned in the letter telling me I didn't win. I would come in on my days off to put this beast together and maybe I was done as why else would I have a camera with me to take pics of a half completed display?
In the photo we see the increasingly reclusive Chuck, Mary behind the counter and Tom's head right in the shot. I think it was a Sunday as Tom generally worked Sundays and Chuck's posture was that of "I'm just stopping by" on his way to Ned's, where he gave himself a hernia one fine day.
Things I find funny in the photos(which I think do date from 1999) are the copy of Eminem's first CD near Tom's head and the bottle of Lipton iced tea in the solo shot of Mary. I drink so much of that stuff now it can't be properly described, have for years, and I always like to see where I leave bottles.

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