Wednesday, February 7, 2007

June 1994

This is really a silly thing to have kept for 12 years and I wish I could tell you just why I still have it. I mean now it has some sentimental value but think about it for a second.
Putting aside the fact that I have saved a scrap of paper for over a decade take a look at the thing. Every Monday is cassette day. Every Tuesday you saved 2 bucks. Wednedsay it was buy one, get one for ten bucks. Look at the small print on that one and see the highest price you could use this deal on. 15.99. Those were the motherfucking days!
Thursday is FREE singles day aka get these fucking things out of the store please!
Just another item to make the store special and seem special to the customers, deals all month to get you into the store on or around new release day to pick up more and more music.
On the back, and I didn't scan this, is the written tracklisting for the then newest Pearl Jam LP, Vitalogy, which I was so hyped up for when I got that job. I wrote down all the tracks. Why? Don't remember. Just excited I guess.

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