Thursday, January 18, 2007

Archive Part 8 - Employees of Store 9

Here we have a photo from the They Might Be Giants in-store event. THe man in the center of the photo is Mr.Rich Carlson, who just finally finished his doctoral dissertation. I saw him and after being told how much I look like John Carter Cash, Johnny and June Carter Cash's song he told me that it felt like he finished his album, but it was a triple! In the background there is Mr.Chris Faulkner.

In these next photos we meet Chuck Sipperley aka the Sipp. Hired in 1996 Chuck stayed with the store until moving on to run the accounting department at the local bookstore Ned's. Chuck always had great hair, he now works at Encore Records in Ann Arbor and is still so much cooler than me it hurts me when I think about it.

This photo of Sharon and Chuck was taken right before I went to Australia in late 1997, just killing time on a slow day. An increasingly frequent occurance by that point in the store's history.

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l'arriviste said...
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