Here we have two photos of the Larry. The first photo is probably from early 1999, I'm not 100%. We observe him back at the 'check in area' of the store, so it must then be a weekday when a shipment would arrive.

This is Larry with his huge coffee cup. Things I think of when I think of Larry are: Jazz, Kelly, Russia, Peanut Butter, Coffee, Cigars, Scrabble, and falling asleep outside beneath the store(tho I was not there to witness that in person).
Of my favorite Larry memories was when we got rid of this ratty vinyl chair that had been behind the classical desk. We acted out scenes from the Godfather, when DeNiro stabs the man who killed his father. So here we were, two grown men, stabbing a chair and making hideous sound effects in the store.

I'll share another Larry memory and it was something I was more proud of than anything, it came from his reaction.
I was sitting in the red chair that I eventually took home (I parted ways with the chair in 2005, 6 years after bringing it home from WHR) and reading something. I think I was reading some woman's magazine, I'm not sure. But I do remember that there was some sex survey in there and I think 5% made some mention of doing it 10 times a day. I commented on it...paused...and said something about 20 times! Again the joke is lost to time. I do remember hearing Larry laugh and then looking up through my laughter to see that he had disappeared. He was laying on the filthy carpet behind the register laughin his ass off. A geeky man with thinning hair and a Kraftwerk shirt came up to the counter and I got up to ring him up while Larry was on the floor. I commented to pardon the man on the floor, he just heard something funny.
The geek said nothing, bought his tapes and left.